Wednesday, 16 May 2012

New contest! "Profit Hunters" (May 21-25)

New contest! "Profit Hunters" (May 21-25)

Looking for profit? Hunt for it! We would like to present you a novelty ForexCup competition - "Profit Hunters". To join the contest you have to pay a fee. The prize fund is formed out of participants' small contributions.

Top 15 traders will share the prize money in appliance with their place in contest rating. The fee to join the contest is 5 USD. The contest "Profit Hunters" has a smaller scale in comparison with regular ForexCup competitions, so the chances to win are much higher!

Dates: May 21-25, 2012

We accept your applications untill May 20, 2012.

Click here to join!

(you must be logged in with your registered e-mail and MyFXOpen password)

Participant’s Guide

1. Go to Open a Live Account , choose the “Personal” account type and fill out the form to receive login details for and the Meta Trader 4 trading terminal (more...);

2. Deposit at least $5 to your account;

3. Log on to with your registered e-mail and the MyFXOpen password (the details you received after the registration);

4. Join a ForexCup competition;

5. Download and install the Meta Trader 4 trading terminal (download);

6. Run Meta Trader 4 on your computer;

7. Select File > Login in the Meta Trader 4 and enter the number and trader’s password for your ForexCup competition demo account.

How to Join a Competition

1. Log on to your personal area on with your registered e-mail and MyFXOpen password

2. Go to the Competitions tab and follow the instructions below:



3. Then, please, confirm your choice:

If there's not enough money on your main account, you'll see the following message:

In this case, please, log into your MyFXOpen cabinet and add funds to your main eWallet account. Then, try to register in the competition once again.

4. After successful confirmation, you will receive another e-mail with your MT4 login details: login number, password and trading server address.

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